Case Study – Regulatory Body


The International Centre for Governance and Policy received a request from a super regulator in the Americas to assist them with uniforming and upskilling their new senior leadership team and staff after a period of transition. The super regulator is a relatively new organisation that combines multiple industry regulators into one larger overarching authority. As part of this transition, the merging of the agencies brought specialist and experienced officials together with new and inexperienced personnel. The industries the authority supervises include the ICT sector, financial services and in water regulation, showing its and varied scope and the range of expertise of its personnel. This brought multiple challenges to the new super regulator that needed to be addressed.

The Challenge

The most pressing challenge was the gap in knowledge between the experienced and new personnel at all levels of the organisation. In addition to this, the range of training and regulatory expertise was very varied across staff. Many individuals were experienced across legal, regulatory, economic and licensing but there was little cohesion in their knowledge and approach to regulation.

The Centre was approached to provide training which would help address the knowledge gaps between staff and ensure all personnel had the same fundamental understanding of what good regulation looks like and how to drive a good regulation moving forward.

What We Provided

The Centre created a training programme based on the needs and challenges of the client, which was approved by the client before it was finalised and delivered. A thorough needs assessment was undertaken with the client and participants to understand and agree upon their main objectives for the training. The objectives were referred to at the start of and throughout the training programme to ensure the cohesive programme focused on the agreed objectives. The training started by covering the fundamentals of good regulation to ensure all participants were equal in their understanding of what makes good regulation. From there, the training delivered lessons on strategic thinking and planning to ensure the leadership team were joined up in their vision and strategy for the future of the super regulator.

The Outcome

Here are some testimonials to reflect the experience and outcomes of the training for attendees:

  • “I found the course to be enlightening and the spectrum of attendees helpful in better understanding my colleagues in particular and the organisation in general. I found that the content and the structure of it provided an excellent context to assess the current state of our organisation, with a view to understanding how to transform the organization for greater impact.”
  • “This training experience was well presented. The material provided a clear understand of how regulation and its framework should be carried out in the most effective way.”
  • “The training was excellent in all facets. Materials were presented in a provocative, engaging and practical manner that stoked real thought on how to apply what was learned in our regulatory environment.”
  • “I think that a course like this every few years minimum helps to reset your thinking, to refocus on the realities and to remember why we are in our roles.”
  • “I have gained a greater understanding of all facets of regulation and how to properly take forward regulatory interventions.”
  • “It provided a deeper understanding of what Regulation mean and the affects it has on the markets if the proper framework is put in place.”

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